A Song by The Psalmist David Barr

 I thought it a perfect season for Sword & Shield!  For the Greatest Impact this Friend had upon me while he lived & Spoke to our Hearts, Was that of Warfare in Worship in the Heavenlies, for we must always remember, That we  wrestle not against flesh & blood, but principalities and powers in high places! Eph.6:12                               And what better way than Stealth Evangelism!  

For such a Time in the Spirit of the Lord as This!

From my many years of Journaling;  I would like to share some insights with you regarding this!   Out of the many varied experiences the soul gains knowledge, and knowledge brings strength and stability.  It is vain to battle the spiritual elements with the carnal mind.  Only the man who has been taught in the spirit can war in the spirit. Thus, The Sword of the Spirit, The Blood of the Lamb and the Word of testimony must be put into action by Faith and Prayer for those who desire to be saints. Following the Mass everyday we say the Prayer invoking Saint Michael the Arc Angel, & his Intercession, You will find great strength in memorizing this.

  • You are my Sword and Shield4:27

Sword & Shield

To Find the Santos Crowns, Ex Voto Sacred Hearts info at my Website, Click this Link http://www.vintagefrenchstyle.com  Also be sure to click the other Songs at the top of this page!, Thank you for visiting!  Corinne Layton